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Bro Ahmad Zarruq

Revamp has played a core part in my life as it made me realize that Singapore is indeed a safer and a better place to live in. It also taught me to balance between friends, family and work despite the busy schedule. I learnt the value of humanity and the need to keep close ties with one another regardless of race or religion, how to always benefit one another by always being ready to offer aid to our fellow Singaporeans.

Importantly, through Revamp and the guidance instilled in me, it has brought me closer to my family. We also managed to be friends with various people from different aspects of life. And we learn from one another that at the end of the day money does not determine one’s friendship.

Revamp is that place where we are able to sit together with people from all walks of life – Rich, middle income, poor, etc and everyone is like family to each other. I would really wish that an organization like this is able to establish itself and sustain in Singapore as the sincerity of the people at Revamp in wanting to help others change for the better, was what changed me a whole lot. Revamp has created a huge impact in my life and I hope they will continue to do more for our youths out there who are lost.

Ahmad Zarruq