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Sis Nurwati

I like the idea that the Revamp sessions were made open to all. Saturday talks constantly makes me do soul searching. Revamp opened up my interest to be a good person. The simple yet important lessons I learnt were to give greetings to others and to smile.

I used to be in clicks of friends who love to gossip & bitch about others. Now I’m in a circle of friends who changes me to be a better person. I can control my depression and temper better. The sessions at Revamp gave me a sense of peace I never had. Each time I encounter bitter or bad challenges in my path, I would just cry it all out in my prayers instead of Facebooking or venting it out on others. Whatever in the past that happened in my family, I learned to forgive my parents, siblings, relatives and friends. I used to snap or gave death stares when I encounter rude people or bad service, now I don’t take things too hard and give excuses for people.

I learned not to expect from people but give the best I can to others.

Nurwati Binte Abdul Razak