أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings,
that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

أَلَا يَاصَاحِ يَاصَاحِ   لَا تَجْزَعْ وَتَضْجَرْ
وَسَلِّمْ لِلْمَقَادِير   كَيْ تُحْمَدْ وَتُؤْجَر

O friends! O friends! Do not be restless and bored.
Leave it to fate for you to be praised and rewarded.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

وَاکْرِمِ الْأَرْوَاحَ مِنَّا   بِلِقَاءِ خَيْرِ الْأَنَامِ
وَابْلِغِ الْمُخْتَارَ عَنَّا   مِنْ صَلَاةٍ وَسَلَامِ

And be servants who accept the fate of Allah.
Do not fight against the will of Allah.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

وَكُنْ صَابِرْ وَشَاكِرْ (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
تَكُنْ فَائِزْ وَظَافِرْ (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
وَمِنْ أَهْلِ السَّرَائِرْ (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)

Be one who is patient and grateful. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
Thus you would be rewarded and win. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
And fall in the folds of people of secrecy. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)

رِجَالِ اللّٰه مِنْ كُلِّ   ذِي قَلْبٍ مُنَوِّرٍ
مُصَفًّى مِنْ جَمِيعِ   الدَّنَسِ طَيِّبٍ مُطَهَّرٍ

Servants of Allah whose hearts emanate light,
cleansed of any dirt, clear and pure.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

وَذِهْ دُنْيَا دَنِيَّة   حَوَادِثُهَا كَثِيرَة
وَعِيشَتُهَا حَقِيرَة   وَمُدَّتُهَا قَصِيرَة

This world is accursed, with its many happenings.
Short also is our lifetime.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

وَلَا يَحْرِصْ عَلَيْهَا   سِوَى أَعْمَى الْبَصِيرَة
عَدِيمُ الْعَقْلِ لَوْ كَانَ   يَعْقِلْ كَانَ أَفْكَرَ

There will be none who are greedy of worldly affairs,
except those whose hearts are blind.
Should those who think be able to comprehend.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

تَفَكِّرْ فِي فَنَاهَا (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
وَفِي كَثْرَةِ عَنَاهَا (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
وَفِي قِلَّةِ غِنَاهَا (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)

Think of this impermanent world. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
And its many sufferings. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
And its little wealth. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)

فَطُوبَى ثُمَّ طُوبَى   لِمَنْ مِنْهَا تَحَذَّرْ
وَطَلَّقَهَا وَفِي   طَاعَةِ الرَّحْمَنِ شَمَرْ

Lucky are those who are careful with this world,
and distinguish themselves from worldly matters,
to prepare themselves to face Allah.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

أَلَا يَاعَيْن جُودِي   بِدَمْعٍ مِنْكٍ سَائِلْ
عَلَى ذَاكَ الْحَبِيبِ   الَّذِي قَدْ كَانَ نَازِلْ

O eyes! May you tear,
for the Beloved who has been sent (Rasulullah ﷺ).

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

مَعَنَا فِي الْمَرَابِعْ   وَأَصْبَحَ سَفَر رَاحِلْ
وَأَمْسَى الْقَلْبُ وَالْبَالُ   مِنْ بَعْدِهِ مُكَدَّر

He was once with us, yet now have left.
This heart has been heavy since his departure.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

وَلَكِنْ حَسْبِيَ اللّٰه (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
وَكُلِّ الْأَمْرِ اللّٰه (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
وَلَا يَبْقَى سِوَى اللّٰه (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)

Yet Allah alone suffices for me. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
And I return all dealings to Allah. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
And nothing is permanent except Allah. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)

عَلَى بَشَّارِ جَادَتْ   سَحَائِبْ رَحْمَةِ الْبَرِّ
وَحَيَّاهُمْ بِرَوْحِ   الرِّضَا رَبِّي وَبَشَّرْ

May Allah bless the people of Bashar,
and may Allah grant His blessings and give glad tidings.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

بِهَا سَادَاتُنَا   وَالشُّيُوخُ الْعَارِفُونَا
وَأَهْلُونَا وَأَحْبَابِ   قَلْبِي نَازِلُونَا

For there are our teachers who are learned,
our families and those we love.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

وَمَنْ هُمْ فِي سَرَائِرِ   فُؤَادِي قَاطِنُونَا
بِسَاحَةِ تُرْبِهَا مِنْ   ذَكِيِّ الْمِسْكِ أَعْطَرْ

And those who reside within my heart,
they reside in places whose dust smell of musk.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.

مَنَازِلُ خَيْرِ سَادَة (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
لِكُلِّ النَّاسِ قَادَة (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)
مُحَبَّتَهُمْ سَعَادَة (أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة)

A resting place for the Best of mankind. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
They are the leaders of mankind. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)
In their remembrance is there happiness. (O Allah! Grant me Your blessings)

أَلَا يَا بَخْت مَنْ زَارَهُمْ بِالصِّدْقِ وَانْدَرْ
إِلَيْهِمْ مُعْتَنِي كُلُّ   مَطْلُوبِهِ تَيَسَّرْ

Lucky are those who visit them with sincerity,
and come to them with much concern.
Truly their hopes would be granted with ease.

أَلَا يَا اللّٰه بِنَظْرَة   مِنَ الْعَيْنِ الرَّحِيمَة
تُدَوِي كُلَّ مَابِي   مِنْ أَمْرَاضٍ سَقِيمَة

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings, that can be a cure towards all diseases within me.