A session which equips participants with all the basic knowledge with regards to the basics of solat (prayers), emphasizing on how easy the prayer is, and why we should never abandon it.
This program focuses on the essentials of the prayer and the practical aspects. Virtues of the recitations and actions before, during and after the prayers are emphasized, motivating every participant into taking this sacred act as not just a ritual but a real moment of connection with the Creator.
Return is a recommended program for beginners who wish to learn how to perform the prayer, and intermediates who are seeking to better their prayers. Important topics such as “How to overcome excess urine discharge”, “How to cleanse oneself after discharge”, “How to focus better in prayers” and many other interesting and “wajib to know” topics, are also covered.
Return also helps to bring forth the leadership quality a husband needs to have to lead his wife, and parent, to lead their children, as Muslims.
I enjoyed the session and I was committed to see what set Revamp out from other classes I've attended on the same topic. I eventually realised what set Revamp apart from others …
Revamp sessions breaks down the barriers due to its informal and non-judgmental approach.
This is learning from the basics of it entirely and the sessions are not condescending or judgmental. Definitely recommend it for anyone who is shy (esp now during the pandemic, online classes 👍🏼)
I registered for Revamp as I wanted to learn more about the basics of solat but have learnt so much more.
Though it's just the basics, I have learnt so much. It's a great refresher and eye opener that most times when we think we know, we actually do not know at all.
It makes me feel very comfortable to be in a non-judgemental environment. I attended the sessions and I have seen people with tattoos and with colourful dyed hair also attending the sessions, and brother Aydarus and the Revamp team welcomes them with full of love. They treat everybody as equals.
Revamp equals to “very chill”! Definitely a different yet comforting approach to gain knowledge. The approach used is specially made to cater to us young people, the youths, makes it so much easier and comfortable for us.. The thing that impacted me the most was the fact that there was so much I didnt know! I signed up for REturn (basics of solat) and everytime I turn up for the session, I learnt something new.
The approach is very relaxed and approachable, not intimidating at all. I like the fact that the sisters were told to come as they are.
Revamp is friendly & family-oriented, with the ability to engage with all age levels in a unique way in imparting knowledge. The conductor, the team, people & the environment brings the knowledge sessions to life, giving great impact to the participants.
I find the approach to be light, non-stressful and beginner-friendly. It definitely opened up a different perspective on how to see and practice Islam. These sessions demonstrate a more forgiving, merciful and loving nature of our Lord instead of the more common "punishment awaits you" way. It definitely opened up a different perspective on how to see and practice Islam. We were also made to memorise the meaning of Al-Fatihah and Tahiyat Akhir, which I did and also at this age I am not sure whether to be shameful or happy about it …
What impacted me most is to miraculously be able to memorise the whole meaning of Al-Fatihah in less than an hour.
Revamp is very open, sincere and very welcoming to everyone no matter where they come from or any background or history. I love brother Aydarus and his approach very much. I feel it is the way how our community should actually approach the Muslim youth.
What I like the most here is I get to be myself without people judging me for who I am. Apart from the tea, the love in the room is so mashaAllah! The approach was to our level and our understanding. There are still a lot of people out there who need guidance but most places don't have the right approach. I think Revamp is a great place to start.
The take away from Revamp is; Stay away from bad company & sins, not stay away from solat!
What I love most is the informal setting. Revamp is comfortable & welcoming, and the "add-on" values besides the lessons impacted me most. Just come as you are and see for yourself how un-judgemental it is there. You will learn more than just the "lessons" you signed up for.. Brother Aydarus "side-tracked stories" are unexpected bonus.
Read full reviews from those who “REturn-ed”, >>> Here!
8-sessions program
Commencement date: 27 May 2024
Mondays, 8pm-10pm
Please note that the sessions will alternate between online and onsite formats, on the following specified dates:
Onsite at Revamp: 27 May, 24 June, 1 July & 22 July
Online via Zoom: 3 June, 10 June, 8 July & 15 July
Zoom Meeting ID will be shared upon registration, via email.
Note: There will be no sessions on Eidul Adha (Public Holiday), on 17 June 2024.
110 Victory Centre #05-05 Lor 23 Geylang Singapore 388410
commitment fee
Text Book
SGD $10.00
Reminder: Pay with the intention to contribute for the religion. If you feel guilty about the amount, there’s the tips section in the registration form.
“Oh Allah… here I come…
I return to You before I return to you…”