Here is a compilation of resources to get you going. This is not an exhaustive list. We will keep adding to this list as time goes on, inshaallah.
Supplications (Do'as)
Itinerary during REad - Tadarus
Prayer for Palestine #1 - Compilation of Habib Umar’s
Prayer for Palestine #3 by
Doa Nasiri (Prayer for the oppresed)
Doa by Habib Umar from the Khutbah of Badr
Opening Intention before Tadarus Al-Quran
Supplications after Surah Yasin
Supplications after Surah al-Waqi’ah
Supplications after Surah al-Kahf
Supplications after reciting Quran
Supplications upon completing the Quran (Khatamul Quran)
Supplications at the end of gathering