وَأَجْمَلُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَرَ قَطُّ عَيْن
وَأَطْيَبُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَلِدِ النِّسَاءُ

And more excellent than you, my eye has never seen.
And more beautiful than you, no woman ever gave birth to.

خُلِقْتَ مُبَرَّءًا مِنْ كُلِّ عَيْبٍ
كَأَنَّكَ قَدْ خُلِقْتَ كَمَا تَشَاءُ

You were created free from all defects,
as though you were created just the way you wished.

قَمَرٌ... قَمَرٌ... قَمَرٌ سِدْنَا النَّبِي قَمَرٌ
وَجَمِيل... وَجَمِيل... وَجَمِيل سِدْنَا النَّبِي وَجَمِيل

Moon…. The likeness of our Prophet is like the moon.
And beautiful… Our Master is beautiful.

وَكَفُّ الْمُصْطَفى كَالْوَرْدِ نَادِي
وَعِطْرُهَ يَبْقَى اِذَا مَسَّتْ أَيَّادِي

And the palm of the Chosen One is like rose-petal, silken and dewy.
And its fragrant scent lingers upon the hands’ brushing touch.

وَعَمَّ نَوَالُهَا كُلَّ الْعِبَادِي
حَبِيبُ اللّٰهِ يَا خَيْرَ الْبَرَى

And its universal favours are for all of mankind.
Most Beloved of Allah, O the Best of creation.

قَمَرٌ... قَمَرٌ... قَمَرٌ سِدْنَا النَّبِي قَمَرٌ
وَجَمِيل... وَجَمِيل... وَجَمِيل سِدْنَا النَّبِي وَجَمِيل

Moon…. The likeness of our Prophet is like the moon.
And beautiful… Our Master is beautiful.

وَلَا ظِلُّ لَّهُ بَلْ كَانَ نُورَا
تَنَالَ الشَّمْسَ مِنْهُ وَالْبُدُورَ

And no taint of shadow because you are Light.
You are like the sun and the moon.

وَلَمْ يَكُنِ الْهُدَى لَوْلَا ظُهُورَه
وَكُلُّ الْكَوْنِ أَنَارُ بِنُورِ طَهَ

And there is no guidance without his presence.
And the whole universe is illuminated by the light of Taha.

قَمَرٌ... قَمَرٌ... قَمَرٌ سِدْنَا النَّبِي قَمَرٌ
وَجَمِيل... وَجَمِيل... وَجَمِيل سِدْنَا النَّبِي وَجَمِيل

Moon…. The likeness of our Prophet is like the moon.
And beautiful… Our Master is beautiful.