REmind Gig

The REmind Gig, formerly known as The Mutual Reminding Session with Brother Aydarus; is the Revamp’s Signature program.

Revamp is the first in Singapore to come up with the concept, “Come As You Are” (yes, there is no dress code! Do not worry about getting judged when you step into our premises.) These REmind sessions, have recently been called “gigs” because of the our unique format in delivering the sessions, that is - “sharing from a brother to a brother.”

Imparting appreciation for good values remains our goal, but we deliver it in a way that connects.

Find out more about this unique program here.

*Please follow our Facebook page or Instagram for updates.



Every 4th Saturday of the month
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On-site at Revamp


FOC, donation contributions are welcome


Please click here to sponsor our sessions.

Hearts touched;

Read full testimonials here