Aydarus Ahmad Alhabshi

Founder & Chief Mentor - Revamp.sg

Aydarus was born into a family known for service (khidmah) for the community. He received his early Islamic education with the guidance from his own parents; Almarhum Habib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Alhabshi (Caretaker of Maqam Habib Nuh Alhabshi and Imam at Masjid Hj Mohd Salleh @Geylang) and Almarhumah Ustazah Badriyah Binti Ali Al-Saggaf (Principal of Madrasah Masjid Darul Aman, Principal of Madrasah Masjid An-Nur, Director of Darul Furqan, Member of Majlis Tertinggi PERGAS (Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association), Member of Management Committee of Masjid Kassim, and Member of RRG - Religious Rehabilitation Group).

Aydarus attended both (government) academic school and also the full time Madrasah during his primary school years at Madrasah Al-Khairiah Al-Islamiah at Still Road, under the late Ustaz Hussein Makhdom. He also went through the Islamic Studies course conducted by PERGAS at Playfair School during his secondary school years.

His passion to serve the community was formed when he was roped in by his mother to serve in PERGAS as a volunteer in its early days and as Manager of Darul Furqan for 9 years (1998-2007). Darul Furqan was a religious guidance weekend school specially catered to academic students aged 5 to 18, and was established by his mother Ustazah Sharifah Badriyah (1978 - 2007).

Upon the sudden unexpected demise of his mother in 2007, Aydarus went to Dar Al Mustafa in Tarim, Hadhramaut, Yemen. His father passed on in Singapore the following year, and this sadly was followed by his wife Sharifah Aishah Bte Omar Alkaff in 2011. She was buried in Tarim. Aydarus remarried with Noorjahan and was blessed with a daughter whom he named after his late wife: Aishah. He also has a foster son Muhammad Zaid.

Upon returning to Singapore in 2012, he found himself roaming the streets of Kampung Glam while planning his next move. He was then inspired to open a café (Sarang Café) at Bussorah Street with the help of some friends and well-wishers. It would have been a platform for him to make new friends, and with it, giving birth to Revamp Truthseekers at the same time. Revamp occupied the upper floor of the shophouse where Sarang Café conducted its business. That was where he conducted his first sharing session with a small group of newly acquired friends with no fees charged. Revamp has since been conducting sharing sessions with strong emphasis given to rebuilding of ones ties with the Islamic traditions. Being very passionate about the youths, Aydarus “walks” with the youths and became an “Abang” to them. He has been giving motivational talks at his Revamp’s signature session “The Remind gig”, since 2013 - where supper and the Revamp-tea are served - all at no fees charged. He was also invited to conduct sharing sessions and workshops in Brunei and Kuala Lumpur and other local events by Darul Arqam, National University of Singapore - Muslim Society, Nanyang Technological University (TCT), Muslim Youth Forum and others.

In 2014, he established Relite Events Management, aiming at providing an alternative for those seeking for Islamic-themed ceremonies and events.

He was approached to manage the Hajjah Fatimah Mosque in 2017 and served till 2021 - splitting his time managing the mosque during the day on weekdays, running Revamp activities in the evenings and leading the Relite’s events on weekends.

In 2022, he decided to be a full time “Abang” :)