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Living in the world we live in today is not easy. We get caught up in all things good, and bad, and that no matter how “good” we think we may be today, there are still some red dots we may not be aware of, that may come come back to haunt us, as remnants of a dark past.


what is revamp about?

A not-for-profit Youth Hub and Enrichment Centre (IECP certified), Revamp Truthseekers was conceived in July 2012 with the sole intention to build friendships. No politics. No business. Only good company, and a healthy dosage of love.

We recognize that the world is becoming increasingly challenging for youths to grow in, grounded with sound values and with their humanity intact. Our youths today are fast imitating undesirable behaviours and indiscriminately following unhealthy trends and adopting destructive cultures at the expense of their own culture and religion. We felt an urgent need to reach out to these youths and intervene.

Our mission is to instill consciousness and truthfulness through our signature Sharing Sessions, where we learn to inhale love and exhale gratitude with good manners.

We are not here for superficial reasons; to rate or like each other for our looks, to investigate the price tag of what we wear, for the significance of our supremacy, or any other “external label” and “statements”. We are here to “bring out” the real “internal value” in us; truthfulness, gratitude, forgiveness, love, humility, etc.

This is where we gather to learn how we can walk hand in hand towards our common end. Here, we make time for the Creator of Time. We dive deeper into acknowledging that we are forgetful and that one day we shall be forgotten. We temporarily set aside our worldly concerns of “the future” as we remind ourselves that we might not even reach there tonight.

We do not say we are good (that’s insanity!) but we are not ashamed to say we want to be good.

And in order to be good, we need to strive for good company.

Chief Advisor: “Khalah Jah”

Chief Mentor: Brother Aydarus


Our Cause

1. Reaching out to the un-reached: Youths who are not yet ready to consider stepping into the mosque or Islamic centres. They are those who have not been exposed to the beautiful virtues of Islam, let alone be interested to learn about the basics of the religion.

2. Being that friend of theirs whom their parents would not be worried about!

3. “Setting” them to earn their parent’s redha (pleasure); to make them be the son/daughter that their parents would be pleased with.

4. Preparing them to be the proper husband/wife, and dad/mom that they can be.

Brother Aydrus Ahmad Alhabshi

We Are Forgetful

“We are forgetful and one day we shall be forgotten.

We are forgetful: everyday, we face the mirror but almost never think about the Creator of that face we see in the mirror.

And we shall be forgotten: How many of us remember the names of our great-great-grandparents?”

~ Brother Aydarus Alhabshi

Founder, Director & Chief Mentor


Our Approach

Our classes are not typical. They are known as sharing sessions. Our guests can expect a brother, not a teacher. We keep things real and we do not put on a show or presentation. Our sessions are strictly super-informal, and a “family affair”, with no commercial interests!

In short, we are out to make friends and brothers/sister out of our guests, not customers and not even students.

REVAMP strives to not be a friend by chance but a friend by choice.


Revamp provides the youths with the help they need to change direction in their lives. Never believing in a “touch & go” and demeaning approach, REVAMP seeks to create bonds that give youths a chance to take a big step back, away from the unhealthy influences that they have been exposed to and to encourage a change of heart, helping them lead a meaningful and purposeful lives.


What we offer

  • Positive and genuine friendships, built on love and respect (it’s cliché we know, but hand to heart, that’s what we strive to build)

  • Good and safe environment with a positive vibe, and a stocked up pantry!

  • Constant mentorship and guidance through our free sharing sessions or other programs.


Why Revamp?

  • REVAMP is the first in Singapore to welcome the youth with the tag “come as you are”. There is no dress code! Our guests do not have to worry about getting judged for their dressing at our place. Ever.

  • We do not aim to be a “religious institution” and we do not claim to be one. However, we try to be positive role models to our newly acquired friends first and hopefully, attract them into loving the religion through us.

  • We call our REmind sessions “Gigs”, so yeah.

  • We serve delicious ‘teh tarik’ and it is served warm during every session!

  • We take no course fees for those who want to learn, but a small fee that we call as commitment fee and with the intention as a sadaqah for REVAMP.




Revamp established a cafe in a two-storey shop house in Bussorah Street. We adopted a two-fold strategy in reaching out to the youths by establishing a conducive environment infused with positive and “hip” vibes. It used to attract youths to hang out and dine in at the cafe regularly.

Sarang Cafe @Bussorah Street

SARANG CAFE @ 29 Bussorah Street, Singapore

SARANG CAFE at 29 Bussorah St, Singapore 199447

Signage handcrafted by brother Anuar Hassan Siman @aka “Anuar Legend”



Chillax after Friday prayers: Bro Aydarus entertaining Chef Bob and Syed Mahdzar of "Bushmen"

Chillax after Friday prayers: Bro Aydarus entertaining Chef Bob and Syed Mahdzar of "Bushmen"



As the cafe progressed through a year, the befriending program grew bigger and dozens of youth started participating. We established a social circle held at the 2nd level of the cafe. This was where we conducted our “sharing sessions” through motivational groups, or one-to-one sessions where youths shared about their personal problems and the different coping mechanisms they use on a daily basis.



In 2014, Revamp crafted a weekly signature program called The Mutual Reminding Sessions to cater to the increasing number of youth and adults streaming into our sharing sessions, to share with us the social and personal issues they were facing. Held every Saturday, the program addresses the masses with good teachings of family values and infuses advises to rebuild one’s moral character. It has since been renamed: The REmind Gig!

Reminders from a brother.jpg


An opportunity came to us to conduct weddings as the good friends we made often requested us to handle their significant day. Hence, Relite Events Management was established. It instantly became a great “glue” which successfully strengthened the existing bond between brothers from Revamp, as they sweat and harmoniously worked together to genuinely serve at weddings. It has become one of our platforms to impart knowledge of etiquette on how to serve guests. Relite has since become a key component in helping Revamp spread its dakwah work, as well as functioning to be its commercial arm.

RElite has recently come up with a series of new programmes consistent to its mission. Do click here for more information.



In 2016, Revamp achieved yet another milestone whereby we consistently served 400-600 youths per month, through our morals & character-building programs and befriending sessions. We also had 1344 registered members at that point, as the organization grew.

1000 monthly engagement with youths and parents
Collaboration with 5 social youth organizations and groups in running youth development programs


Revamp was officially recognised as an IECP institution under the newly established Islamic Education Centres and Providers certification scheme by MUIS, giving it the endorsement to conduct its activities in Singapore. With this certification, we hope to further build more bridges with all the players and stakeholders who are on the same path as us, as well as give trust and confidence to our audiences.


Up to this day, REVAMP strives
to welcome youths and the general public with open arms, one soul and one day at a time.

learn more about our latest updates here


The Prophet ﷺ said,

The believer is friendly and befriended, for there is no goodness in one who is neither friendly nor befriended.

The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.
— Imam At-Tabarani

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Seats sell out like hot cakes. Except, the “hot cakes” we have here is always freshly served with delicious, piping hot tea.

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Reaching out to people was never this easy. Learn how we use the funds to assist those in dire need and find out how our Giving Levels are extended!