In 2012, I left my job in the entertainment industry and was jobless. I was resolute of not returning to the same line of industry and was hanging out with a friend who was then volunteering in Sarang Cafe. I was recommended and was paid to work first as a dishwasher and later as a waitress in the cafe.

Mashaallah. I held a managerial post in my past employments but honestly, being a dishwasher at Sarang Cafe has benefited me the most. I learnt and saw the moral values and etiquette of my fellow workers, especially from (the owner) Abang Aydarus and his wife, Sis Jahan. Never once did I feel judged despite my bad habits (smoking etc) and my way of dressing. Everything in Sarang was simple and is as taught and shared in Revamp, l could see, feel and experience adab (high moral values and good etiquette) in Sarang as displayed by the owners and my co-workers and that motivated me to try to change. Never once was l forced to change. Everything came from the sharing sessions held at Revamp (then above Sarang cafe), the constant reminders by co-workers and the owners, and their exemplary character and attitude towards one another. I discovered Sarang and Revamp at a strange time in my life. And I have benefited greatly from being in Sarang and Revamp. The friends that I have made here are definitely for keeps. I am forever thankful for Revamp and Sarang cafe.

Alhamdulillah. Revamp has taught me the values of being human, of our purpose here. I learnt and am now striving to serve my mom and to maintain kinship ties. I spend most of my time now with my mom and my sister at home. We are constantly trying and helping each other in our daily struggles. I spend some time now visiting other family members and the elderly as well. I was hostile to my neighbours once but now I try to mend our relationship. I used to feel empty but Alhamdulillah I no longer feel that way. I no longer indulge in my bad habits and I have learnt not to waste time and speak of things that do not benefit me in any way. Revamp has taught and encouraged me to constantly strive to be a better servant of Allah, a better daughter, neighbours, friend, and to always be God-conscious.

Faridah binte Mohamed Salleh

A chance meeting with Bro Aydarus when he was still operating the cafe at Bussorah Street in late 2013, brings back fond memories. I discovered then that the cafe was just a "ruse" for him to befriend others with intention of becoming a positive role model, apart from offering employment to some of the "unemployable". This was a rather refreshing approach to doing social work, I felt. Impressed by his humility and non-judgmental persona, my wife and I immediately felt at ease with him. It did not take very long for us to establish a closer relationship with Bro Aydarus, and soon, even got our children to benefit from his sharing sessions. They warmed up to him very quickly, perhaps not so surprising given his warm and easy nature. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been a huge blessing that our paths have crossed, and that my family has directly benefited from our interactions with this wonderful soul called Aydarus Ahmad Alhabshi.

Azam Ahmad

Revamp is very dear to me. It has made me a better version of myself and to the people around me in so many ways. I started attending their sessions more than a year ago. I've learnt a lot of essential knowledge and real life experiences through Revamp. And ever since then, I hardly want to miss any sessions with this family I've found. Knowledge and real friends should increase our Love for Our Creator and vice versa and that is the real definition of family to me.

Nur Juizyan Bte Mohamad Jaffery

The major change was the part of making parents the priority and that they have every right over us. I now tend to respect them even more. And are grateful for their upbringing. The other is through Revamp, I learnt not to judge others quickly and to always have good thoughts on anyone. Through that change alone, I have been able to live my daily life without negative thoughts. Firstly, the intention placing was one of the key lessons or value that the Mentor instilled into me during my initial sessions. Because without setting the proper intention, our deeds might be wasted or of no blessing. Secondly, it's our tongue. His sound advice to us on keeping check the vulgarities, unnecessary speech and hurtful words that we use so often in our daily vocabulary and that if we don't remove this dirty habit, it could very well the last word(s) we utter when the Angel of Death visits us. Thirdly, is the migration from bad company/habits. If a group of friends are preventing you from change, then we should take a step back and seek good company. Which he frequently mentions, "you are your friends’ religion". The importance of serving. Period.

Prior to this, I have never thought of serving others as a privilege; until Revamp totally "revamped" that thought. Through serving others, I have learnt valuable lessons like keeping the ego in check, making others happy and putting others before self. Most religious topics are through books and teachers. But serving others itself is an art alone that only can be attained by walking the talk and through experience. And I'm glad that through Revamp and Relite, I have managed to taste the sweetness of this art. The serving of others have impacted me the most. Because the sweetness of serving can only be attained through experience. From the nitty gritty details of washing guests’ hands, placement of the food and the order of serving drinks and food. E.g. elderly first etc. Relite made us to want to serve not for the sake of payment, but for the sake of Allah and his Messenger. We see all those who engage Relite not as a client but as a brother. And serving them has become a trust.

Sheikh Muhammed Sufyan bin Sheik Kamal

I feel the biggest takeaway I gained is actually something that is understated and overlooked by a lot of people today; Gratitude. It was at Revamp where I was taught the importance of being appreciative for everything we have, even to the little details… Despite all my mischief and wrongdoings in my growing years, thank God, I've always had a proper family to turn to for support and help. Some of them didn't even have that.

Muhammad Iylia Bin Arsad

Revamp is a safe haven where people genuinely care about one another and pay attention to one another’s needs. It encourages good through positive feedback. It is a social platform that builds well-mannered individuals with good character and moral values. Revamp helped me to be a better person.

While my friends at Revamp recognize my unique self, I have learnt to be tolerant and accepting of others, and the differences in others. My family relationship is better and we do not fight anymore. Everyone gets along very well. There is more love between me and my brothers and we express it freely. My teenage brothers can now recognize what is bad and good influence, as they are a part of Revamp too. My parents want to talk to me more and they seem to like talking to me now. To me, that is the most important part as they used to avoid telling me things as I had a bad temper before I joined Revamp. I recognize the importance of being a good person first and how kindness, love and compassion is universal and can do great wonders for people. I can even apply it at work to my patients and they as well as their family members, respond better to me as a nurse.

There is genuine love, compassion and purity in the environment at Revamp. People with no blood relations can get along so well and push through difficult situations together, supporting each other. I feel safe in Revamp as there is no distortion in moral values nor ethical principles that often happen in 'non-profit organizations', and it(Revamp) is not even money-driven.

Noor Hidayah Binte Udin

As a person, Revamp has taught me that you are your manners and character. It’s not about the brands of clothing you wear or what car you drive, etc.

I am constantly reminded that one has to be real. It taught me about the various responsibilities that one carries as a son, brother, father, employee, or neighbors, how we should treat people with kindness and respect. Especially with your neighbors. Revamp stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with the neighbors. You can be very keen in voicing for the Palestinian cause but you do not even know the state of your own neighbors living just next door to you whether they have food on their table or if they are sick.

After attending sessions weekly, I felt thirstier to seek more knowledge, and to understand the importance of how we live our lives. Initially, I felt like I think I know this, and I know that, when in actuality, I know nothing. We are actually empty glasses that need to be filled up with knowledge. I learnt about brotherhood, helping each other out, and about serving each other.

Revamp gives me a feeling of togetherness and unity. We drink water by sharing from the same cup and kiss each other's hands. It taught me, and gave me sense of honoring our brothers with humility and love. There is always useful wisdom as a takeaway from every session.

Mas Muhardi

I was someone who spent most of the time working, doing things to please myself, spending my hard earn money for holidays and other non-beneficial things until a good friend of mine introduced me to Revamp.

Revamp has definitely guided me to being a better person. I truly enjoy the sessions at Revamp and I sometimes feel like specific topics that were chosen was directly meant for me. I am much more aware of my weaknesses and strive to be better for myself and others around me. I’ve learned to never judge people based on how they look, or what they wear, and that struggle truly begins with myself.

It touches my heart when I see people attending the classes or sessions as they are, because at Revamp, no one gets judged by how they look and what they wear.

Rosnah Jumat

Revamp has played a core part in my life as it made me realize that Singapore is indeed a safer and a better place to live in. It also taught me to balance between friends, family and work despite the busy schedule. I learnt the value of humanity and the need to keep close ties with one another regardless of race or religion, how to always benefit one another by always being ready to offer aid to our fellow Singaporeans.

Importantly, through Revamp and the guidance instilled in me, it has brought me closer to my family. We also managed to be friends with various people from different aspects of life. And we learn from one another that at the end of the day money does not determine one’s friendship.

Revamp is that place where we are able to sit together with people from all walks of life – Rich, middle income, poor, etc and everyone is like family to each other. I would really wish that an organization like this is able to establish itself and sustain in Singapore as the sincerity of the people at Revamp in wanting to help others change for the better, was what changed me a whole lot. Revamp has created a huge impact in my life and I hope they will continue to do more for our youths out there who are lost.

Ahmad Zarruq

Attended the sessions at Revamp. I like the idea that it was open to all. Saturday talks constantly makes me do soul searching. Revamp opened up my interest to be a good person. The important lessons I learnt was to give greetings to other sisters and when I’m outdoor, to smile.

I used to be in clicks of friends who love to gossip & bitch about others. Now I’m in a circle of friends who changes me to be better person. I can control my depression and temper better. The sessions at Revamp gave me a sense of peace I never had. Each time I encounter bitter or bad challenges in my path, I would just cry it all out in my prayers instead of Facebooking or venting it out on others. Whatever in the past that happened in my family, I learned to forgive my parents, siblings, relatives and friends. I used to snap or gave death stares when I encounter rude people or bad service, now I don’t take things too hard and give excuses for people.

I learned not to expect from people but give the best I can to others.

Nurwati Binte Abdul Razak


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