Qurban FAQs

  • The ruling for qurban is sunnah muakkadah. It is a sunnah for those who can afford it. And if you can afford to do it every year, you are welcome to do so, as there is no ruling against it.

    Allah knows best.

  • It is highly encouraged to sacrifice with a goat than to share 7 people in a camel or a cow.

    Following that, it is encouraged to sacrifice with 7 goats than a camel or cow because more blood flows.

    It is sunnah to sacrifice an animal that is well-formed, fat and healthy. It is even better to sacrifice one fat animal instead of two skinny ones. And more meat is better than fat, unless the meat is not good.

    In short, it is highly encouraged to sacrifice a camel, if not a cow, if not a lamb, and at least a goat. If none of the above is possible, 1/7 of a camel or cow/cattle.

    Allah knows best.

  • It is sunnah for the person who performs the qurban to eat the meat, but they are not (haram) to consume all the meat entirely. It is obligatory to distribute a portion of the sacrificed meat, even if it is just a small portion.

    One can donate all of the meat from the sacrifice. That being said, it is more encouraged for him/her to consume some of the meat to obtain barakah from the sacrifice.

    Following that, it is recommended that a third of the sacrificed meat be eaten by the one who performs the Qurban, another third 1/3 donated to the poor (even if it’s only to one person), and the remaining 1/3 be presented to relatives and neighbours.

    Allah knows best.

  • It is not a must for the father (or guardian) to do the sacrifice (qurban) with his own wealth for his child that is still young and alive, and that too has to be with the said child’s permission.

    The sacrifice should not be done with the wealth of the young child as there is no obligation for the child to do so.

    Allah knows best.

  • You cannot perform the sacrifice for the deceased unless there is a will involved. It is more advisable to do the sacrifice under your name and give reward (pahala) to someone else by way of intention.

    Allah knows best.

  • It depends on the person who is ordering the sacrifice to see if he/she intends to make the switch or not. Thus, the initial stage of representation plays a vital role in making agreement for the person performing the qurban. On our part, if we were to encounter such a scenario, we will be contacting you at the earliest possible convenience to discuss with you of your options, insyaAllah.

  • The ruling for slaughtering the sacrificial animal is sunnah done by the person who wants to perform the sacrifice. However, those who are unable to carry it out themselves are more encouraged to assign to others to slaughter their qurban animal on their behalf.

    It is our responsibility to do it to the best of our abilities and to distribute the meat to where people need it most.

    Allah knows best.

  • The sacrifice must be performed on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth days of Dzulhijjah. You can order your sacrifice before this time, but the sacrifice must be carried out on the correct day.

  • “When you see the new moon of Dzulhijjah and any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, let him refrain (from cutting) his hair and nails.” - Narrated by Muslim.

  • There is nothing wrong with giving money to someone to slaughter the animal for you, on condition that he is trustworthy and that he will slaughter it during the days of sacrifice which are the days of at-tashreeq.

  • Qurban is an ibadah that is done on the month of Dzulhijjah by someone who can afford it, and they have to abide by the rulings. And it is also sunnah to follow the code of conduct of qurban such as not shaving or plucking any facial hair and not to cut fingernails. Each qurban is performed on 1 unit = 1 name. E.g. 1 goat =1 name.

    Whereas for sedekah, it can be done anytime and there are no rulings attached. It is considered as sedekah if one unit is placed under more than 1 name. E.g. 1 goat = 2 or more names.

  • It is sunnah for people who want to perform the sacrifice (including those who intend to sacrifice before the month of Dzulhijjah), not to remove the hairs on their body and not to cut the nails. (This includes not cutting nor shaving hair, facial hair, hair at the underarms, hair at the private parts, and all the others.) The period that they shouldn’t do so is when it enters the first ten days of the month of Dzulhijjah until he/she performs the qurban. In the event the person who performs the sacrifice does so, the ruling is that it is makruh, not haram.

    Henceforth, it is permissible to cut hair and nails if it interferes with making proper ablution and other obligations.

    The wisdom is that Allah frees, from every fibre of the slaughtered animal to the slaughterer, so then the slaughterer should be in complete condition so that more fibres can be free from hellfire.

    Allah knows best.

  • The goal and aim of conducting qurban is clear, it is to be appreciative of the sustenance that Allah s.w.t has blessed us with throughout that year, and also it is to allow other people to feel the blessings from Allah s.w.t whilst having a stronger ties among the Ummah. As a result, giving the qurban meat to non-muslim does not go against with any of the aim as to why qurban is conducted, so according to Hanbali Mazhab, it is permissible to give the sunnah qurban meat as a gift to non-muslims but it isn’t permissible to give wajib qurban meat to non-muslims.


  • Most scholars are of the view that eating from it is mustahabb (encouraged) but is not obligatory.

  • If one wishes to give all of the meat to charity, or a large portion of it, he/she may do so.

  • It is sunnah to perform aqiqah on the 7th day from the birth of the child.

    It should be performed before or after the 7th day but Aqiqah cannot be performed before the birth of the child.

    The time to perform Aqiqah is long and it has no end. Henceforth, there is no end date to perform Aqiqah even after the 7th day. It is only sunnah to not delay the Aqiqah until the child is almost reaching puberty.

    In the scenario that it is not performed and that child has hit puberty, it becomes unnecessary for the parents or anybody to else to perform Aqiqah for the child. Instead, it is encouraged for that child (now grown up) to do it himself/herself, and it can be done even when he/she has matured.

  • Since the beginning of our campaign in 2018, we have been adapting a humanitarian approach in implementing our qurban sacrifices.

    With the number of orders across 11 countries increasing yearly and needing to be slaughtered and distributed within the day of tashreeq, we did not apply personalized photos due to time limitations.

    Hence, the project report is shared with you to show that our qurban in 11 countries have been completed and distributed to the people in need around the globe within the time given.

    InsyaAllah, may your kind sacrifices benefit the people in need.

  • It will be distributed to the poor and needy living in Singapore.

  • Aid and supplies are still getting in through, although it is challenging. We create awareness, run campaigns and provide platforms for donors to channel their Qurban contributions. Qurban that comes to us will be distributed to our various humanitarian partners because of their credible background, extensive network of field offices in those affected areas and their vast experience in humanitarian works.

    We will be transferring the financial aid for Qurban to our humanitarian partners who are currently active on the ground. Our partners on the ground will then convert it to Qurban livestocks, which can be quite costly in an unstable economic climate. Bank transfers are still happening although there may be some delays in accessing funds.

    By working with international relief agencies, through years of being on the ground, they have established networks and developed ways for Qurban aids to be delivered to the intended recipients. How they circumvent difficult situations depends on their intimate knowledge of the local ways, contacts and customs to circumvent these difficult situations to ensure aid is received.

    These few years working with them and having witnessed how they work in some areas and in the most difficult situations, we believed that they are very committed in their job and have a very high level of passion for humanitarian work. Through this collaboration, we develop deep trust that benefits everyone. It is not easy but with your support, everything will be well, insyaAllah.

  • Usually, we will get 16-18kg in total for a whole (3/3) sheep. So a portion of it will be approximately 5.5 - 6kg.

  • It will be done on the days of Tasyriq : 10,11,12,13 Dzulhijjah.

  • You may cut your child’s fingernails as they are not performing Ibadah Qurban.