رَحْمٰنْ يَا رَحْمٰن
 سَاعِدْنِي يَا رَحْمٰن. إِشْرَحْ صَدْرِي قُرْآن
إِمْلَأْ قَلْبِي قُرْآن، وَاصْلِحْ حَيَاتِي قُرْآن

O The Most Merciful
Help me O The Most Merciful. Expand my heart with the Quran.
Fill my heart with the Quran. Improve my life with the Quran.

يَهْفُو أَمَلِي لِلّٰه، وَلِحِفْظِ كِتَابِ اللّٰه
مِنْ أَوَّلِ بِاسْمِ اللّٰه، لِلْخَتْمِ وَلِلْرﱢضْوَان

For Allah…for Allah
My hope is in Allah. And in memorizing the book of Allah.
First to start in the name of God (bismillah),
and to complete it (khatam), and earn His pleasure.

رَحْمٰنْ يَا رَحْمٰن
 سَاعِدْنِي يَا رَحْمٰن. إِشْرَحْ صَدْرِي قُرْآن
إِمْلَأْ قَلْبِي قُرْآن، وَاصْلِحْ حَيَاتِي قُرْآن

O The Most Merciful
Help me O The Most Merciful. Expand my heart with the Quran.
Fill my heart with the Quran. Improve my life with the Quran.

یَا نُورْ...یَا نُور
یَا مُحْكَمُ یَا تَنْزِيل، لِمُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ جِبْرِيل
مِنْ رَبﱢ الْعَرْشِ دَلِیل، لِلْعَالَمِ وَالْإِنْسَان

O Light, O Light
O revelation (Quran), (you) descended unto Muhammad ﷺ, by Jibril
from the Lord of the Throne, a guide for man, and all that exist.

رَحْمٰنْ يَا رَحْمٰن
 سَاعِدْنِي يَا رَحْمٰن. إِشْرَحْ صَدْرِي قُرْآن
إِمْلَأْ قَلْبِي قُرْآن، وَاصْلِحْ حَيَاتِي قُرْآن

O The Most Merciful
Help me O The Most Merciful. Expand my heart with the Quran.
Fill my heart with the Quran. Improve my life with the Quran.

اَللّٰهُمَّ اجْمَعْنَا، بِكِتَابِكَ وَانْفَعْنَا
وَاجْعَلْهُ لَنَا حِصْنًا، وَهُدًى أَبَدًا وَأَمَان

O Allah, by Your book, gather us together. Make it a benefit for us.
Make it our fortress, eternal guide and safety.

رَحْمٰنْ يَا رَحْمٰن
 سَاعِدْنِي يَا رَحْمٰن. إِشْرَحْ صَدْرِي قُرْآن
إِمْلَأْ قَلْبِي قُرْآن، وَاصْلِحْ حَيَاتِي قُرْآن

O The Most Merciful
Help me O The Most Merciful. Expand my heart with the Quran.
Fill my heart with the Quran. Improve my life with the Quran.