طَلَعَ الْبَدْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مِنْ ثَنِيَّةِ الْوَدَاع
وَجَبَ الشُّکْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مَا دَعَا لِلّٰهِ دَاع

O the White Moon rose over us, from the valley of Wada'.
And we owe it to show gratefulness, where the call is to Allah.

أَيُّهَا الْمَبْعُوثُ فِينَا   جِئْتَ بِالْأَمْرِ الْمُطَاع
جِئْتَ شَرَّفْتَ الْمَدِينَة   مَرْحَبًا يَا خَيْرَ دَاع

O you who were raised among us, coming with a word to be obeyed.
You have brought to this city nobleness. Welcome! best caller to God's way.

طَلَعَ الْبَدْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مِنْ ثَنِيَّةِ الْوَدَاع
وَجَبَ الشُّکْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مَا دَعَا لِلّٰهِ دَاع

O the White Moon rose over us, from the valley of Wada'.
And we owe it to show gratefulness, where the call is to Allah.

رَبَّنَا صَلِّ عَلَى مَنْ   حَلَّ فِى خَيْرِ الْبِقَاع
أَنْتَ غَوْثُنَا جَمِيعًا   يَا مُجَمَّلَ الطِّبَاع

O God we invocate upon him, one who stays in the blessed land.
You are our saviour, O the one with the best of character.

طَلَعَ الْبَدْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مِنْ ثَنِيَّةِ الْوَدَاع
وَجَبَ الشُّکْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مَا دَعَا لِلّٰهِ دَاع

O the White Moon rose over us, from the valley of Wada'.
And we owe it to show gratefulness, where the call is to Allah.

وَلَبِسْنَا ثَوْبَ عِزٍّ   بَعْدَ تَلْفِيقِ الرِّقَاع
أَسْبِلِ السِّتْرَ عَلَيْنَا   يَا مُجِيبًا كُلَّ دَاع

And (now) we possess fine clothing, after patched and defamed clothing.
Bestow upon us Your protection O God ~ O the Granter of all requests.

طَلَعَ الْبَدْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مِنْ ثَنِيَّةِ الْوَدَاع
وَجَبَ الشُّکْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مَا دَعَا لِلّٰهِ دَاع

O the White Moon rose over us, from the valley of Wada'.
And we owe it to show gratefulness, where the call is to Allah.

وَصَلَاةُ اللّٰه عَلَى أَحْمَد   عَدَّ تَحْرِيرِ الرِّقَاع
وَكَذَا آلٍ وَصَحْبٍ   مَاسَعَى لِلّٰهِ سَاع

And invocate upon Ahmad (the praised), as much as all letters written and composed.
And also to (his) family and companions, as much as the Sa’i is done.

طَلَعَ الْبَدْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مِنْ ثَنِيَّةِ الْوَدَاع
وَجَبَ الشُّکْرُ عَلَيْنَا   مَا دَعَا لِلّٰهِ دَاع

O the White Moon rose over us, from the valley of Wada'.
And we owe it to show gratefulness, where the call is to Allah.

O the White Moon rose over us ~ From the valley of Wada'.
And we owe it to show gratefulness ~ Where the call is to Allah,
Where the call is to Allah.

O you who were raised among us ~ Coming with a word to be obeyed.
You have brought to this city nobleness ~ Welcome best caller to God's way,
Welcome best caller to God's way.