Ramadhan Call to Support Revamp

11 - 19 April 2023


Dear brothers and sisters,

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

We are calling for your continuous support for Revamp, especially in these last nights of Ramadhan to also coincide with the reward of making sadaqah for a thousand months (Laylatul Qadar), inshaallah.

Revamp is in need of your support.

As many of you may have been aware, Revamp has been operating as a not-for-profit organization since its inception in 2012. We had always tried to be self-sufficient as much as possible, through setting up some side businesses like our cafe, wedding and event planning services, and selling merchandise to help cover our rather high operating costs. We did all these to ensure that we are able to offer more programmes that are free or as affordable as we could make them. 

We have contemplated and concluded that the premises is still very much needed for us to hold our sessions and gatherings for the people we have set out to serve. This, we realize, is getting tougher with each passing year, as our costs to cover our rental and other overheads keep increasing, despite our best efforts to keep them as low as possible. For example, the rental for our premises was recently raised from $4,300 to $5,500 per month. Our utility charges have also increased by at least 20% in the last year alone, and the cost of food and beverages has increased by at least 40% when compared to the pre-Covid days.

We believe that you would agree that Revamp still has a role to play in our community. We would thus like to invite you to share some of the rewards for the work that we do so that many others can benefit too. If you have the capacity to set aside a few dollars a day for these last 10 days of Ramadan, and pledge them to help Revamp continue its outreach and educational programmes, please do consider it. 

Contributions can be made via: 

1. Direct Bank Transfer: Revamp’s DBS bank account: 0724 945 000

2. PayNow: Revamp's UEN: 53218636B

Do inform us should you need a receipt from us, via Brother Khair at (+65) 96380893.

For your kind attention and generous contribution, jazakumullah khairan jaza’. May The Most Generous, reward you for your generosity. Wishing you Khawatim Mubarak, may Allah grant us His acceptance, amin Allahumma amin!

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

Your brother,
Aydarus Ahmad Alhabshi

11 April 2023 – 21 Ramadhan 1444