Salam brothers and sisters, hope the first week of Ramadhan has been great inshaallah? Allah's been showering us this Ramadhan with rain and cool weather mashaallah.

Let us strive to make this Ramadhan the best of our life! We have been "forced" to stay indoor. We have no excuse to be too busy with other than Ramadhan. So let's make time for Allah.

We wish to suggest doing "audit" for this Ramadhan. Meaning, lets do Muhasabah - self assessment. Sayyidina Umar Radhiyallahu 'anhu (Allah be pleased with him) would always do this before he sleeps. He also praised a man who kept a bag of stones with him. In the bag, the man placed one white stone for each good deed that he did, and one black stone for each bad deed that he did. At the end of the day, he would recount and account how beneficially his day passed.

Allah says; "O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow – and fear Allah . Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. (Surah Hashr, verse 18)

Lets bring ourselves to account before we are taken to account. Weigh our deeds before our deeds are weighed.

One week has passed. Three more left to go. Here is something we can use for our "accounting" to boost our Ramadhan.

Do share this Ramadhan scoresheet. May it benefit. Ramadhan mubarak!